Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Things Appreciated

The sound of hummingbirds right outside our kitchen window.

SNL and 30 Rock

The Brattle Book Shop in Boston.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Biden Convinces

In tonight's VP debate Joe Biden convinced on the two issues of this election: the economy and the war. Time and time again the Obama / Biden ticket has to denounce the barrage of misinformation, half-truths and out right lies. How they manage to do it with such calm is a mystery. This campaign has certainly seen it's dirtier sides, and it would be easy to generalize and blame both sides. But the truth of the matter is that the McCain campaign has run a series of, to be frank, rather pathetic attempt at portraying Obama as, a naive liberal...also known as socialist. Over and over again the Macain campaign keep regurgitating that "Obama want's to raise taxes". Ohh that's baaaaad. But that's beside the point, Obama will not raise taxes on 95 % of the population. Something that he and Biden keep having to repeat over and over and over again. My question is, why does the McCain campaign feel that they constantly have to...well let's face it...lie. Why can't there be an honest debate about what our values are? Because they could never win such a fight? One aspect of politics can be seen in the tension between personal responsibility and systemic issues. Neither one of these will paint the full picture, neither will a watered downed compromise; but what is needed is a picture that shows each one of us responsible for our own life and our own decisions BUT that also shows that we are not all dealt good hands and that there needs to be a system that creates a framework of fairness and yes, this might even take the shape of redistribution of wealth. Because what is becoming increasingly clear to me is that in order for you to have a good life you will have to make sure that your neighbours, the people in your town and in your country also enjoys a decent level of living. Because if they do not, that will in the end come back and bite you. To be your brother's keeper will mean that you are being your own keeper. As in "give and you will receive".

TV On The Radio - Dear Science

Some good listening.