The first week here in Pasadena has been pretty low key since we both managed to catch a not so nice stomach bug, buy we are now up and about again. It's very sunny and warm down here. I'm thinking of taking a drive to Malibu over the day.
Still no definite news on the travel permit but we are going to the immigration office on Tuesday. Hopefully we are able to expedite the case.
Next Friday it's Midsommarafton (Midsummer's Eve), and we will celebrate that here with the traditional pickled herring, and hopefully new potatoes. We will also have a traditional American bbq with hamburgers and all so people don't have to go home hungry, since neither Autumn nor I think that the pickled herring will be a grand slam.
"Ask a Swede what the most important holiday of the year is and Midsummer will come up as often as Christmas. Get older Swedes talking and their eyes will well up as they reminisce about community spirit, songs, barn dancing and the mystical atmosphere surrounding the Midsummer gatherings of their youth. Sure, there was a lot of drinking, fistfights and frolicking, but everyone shook hands in the end."
Saturday, June 16, 2007
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I'll sure as hell do my fair share of frolicking!
Good luck at the immigration office!
Click on the link above and learn about Swedish Midsummers.
// Ola
Hej Mange!
Tänkte du skulle få läsa lite svenska som omväxling. Hörde av Alf att ert besök på "invandrarkontoret" inte blev av, tiden börjar väl bli lite knapp nu. Jag som hade sett fram emot att få träffa den nya "Palmen".
Hej Stina!
Vi har en tid imorgon da vi ska se om det gar att skynda pa det hela, sa det ar inte helt omojligt att vi kommer. Det skulle vara valdigt trakigt om vi inte kunde vara dar och traffa er, det har ju varit ett tag sedan sist.
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