Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I have it!

Yesterday I got my Green Card in the mail! I am now officially a Permanent Resident in the United States of America!

With the letter I also got a folder pointing me to a guide called "Welcome to the United States - A Guide for New Immigrants". I am now officially an Immigrant.

In the folder, under the heading "Getting Involved in Your Community" I read:

The U.S. government is a government of, by, and for the people. This means that people can shape the government and its policies. Each person has an important role to play in his or her local community. You can get involved in your community through local organizations, your place of worship or work, your neighborhood, or your children's schools. Welcome to the United states gives ideas for getting involved in your community and learning more about life in this country.

The United States presidential election of 2008 is scheduled to be held on November 4. The average voter turnout in the US is around 50 % depending on what source you quote. These statistics puts it at 48.3% which would land the country a 139th place in the World Cup of Voter Turnout. So right now it seems like the U.S. government is a government of, by, and for half the people.

The short of it: I wish I could vote as a permanent resident.


Stina said...


Jag förstod inte mer än hälften av det där inlägget, men det viktigaste greppade jag tror jag. Hoppas ni har det bra.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Mr citizen you! So, you'd better get involved then! Start pulling your weight in the community.
What's going to be your first order of action? Neighbourhood watch? Sunday school teacher? Volunteer deputy sheriff?

So as i guess you've seen elitserien has started, and we won the first game versus Timrå. I've tried to find ways to get the games to you, but so far, no luck. My best tip though is to listen to the web radio broadcasts on sr.se and to check out the recaps on various sites, such as hockeyligan and svt's hockeykväll site. At least that way you get to see the goals until we figure out a better way.

BLessings, peace and pussar to the both of you!

Unknown said...
