So this month has its fair share of interesting events. One of them was that we had a break in in our car the other day. They took the stereo, the speakers, the seat covers and the fire extinguisher. All in all they could probably get the impressive sum of something like $50 for all this on the black market. I am just making that sum up since I have no connection what so ever with the Santa Maria Black Market...for real. But really, why would someone take the seat covers?
I thought the car was safe with its very advanced anti-break in system. The universal anti-break in system of being all banged up and pretty old. Who would find it worth the effort to steal something from that car? But I was wrong.
Now you might wonder, why the fire extinguisher? Well, the car has been smelling pretty funky, with this smoke, so we thought it was best to have the fire extinguisher in the car, just to be safe. But no more fire extinguisher.
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Hoppas allt löser sig med bilen och det där... Hoppas ni har det bra annars, här är det vår... eller nåt ditåt... Varmare än det ska vara i februari iallafall.
I lördags var Gudrun hos oss på mammas 50-årsfest, månaderna går fort...
Ja månaderna flyger fram! Att någon vill bryta sig in i den bilen är ett mysterium.
Här har det varit stormigt i helgen och några gator bort blåste ett träd ner Aktion på närnivå!
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