Wednesday, April 16, 2008

LHC 2 - that other team 3

Ok, the good news is that if LHC wins on Friday I will be able to watch the last game on Sunday, at home without having to work. They are playing in Linköping on Friday so hopefully with the support from the home arena we will see a win and this hockey final will go to the seventh and last game.

I got a lime and a lemon tree the other day.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Magnus!
Today hockey is not my favourite sport and through out this final referee's are not "my bag of chips". They are like, I quote your words to Tomas Andersson Wij "Like a banana in the anus".

Good luck with everything!

If you are wondering who I am, I am known as "Bryrsan"

Mange said...

Hi Bryrsan, good to hear from you! We'll see on Friday. My dad was complaining about the ref as well. Hopefully it will be better next for the rest of the final.

You are mistaking me for Robert, whose words to Tomas Andersson Wij you so eloquently quoted.