Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Santa Maria Pre School Website launched

So the website for Santa Maria Pre-School is finally launched. You can have a look at it here: www.santamariapreschool.com

I've built the site using Drupal. It is at this point only in the initial stage. More content needs to be added and there will need to be some modifications done,  but at least it's up and running.  Have a look.

It's a Montessori school in Santa Maria that's just starting out.


Dino Vercotti Giovanni said...

Nicely done! So, are you designing web sites in your spare time now?


Mange said...

Yepp, it's taking up too much of that spare time.

Things good with you?


Dino Vercotti Giovanni said...

Fina fisken!
Jobbar mycket, följer LHC slaviskt och planerar då och då inför sommarens stundande bröllop - för jag och Emma ska ju gifta oss om ni inte visste det.


Stick said...

(Tjusigt, som sagt!)