So I got Det Sjunde Inseglet right here in our apartment just waiting to be seen. And I think I will watch it, maybe even tonight. And I can see my brother being horrified by this. But I am going to see it anyway, if not tonight at least soon. (Sorry David)
So one of the famous scenes in Det Sjunde Inseglet, apparently is when the knight is playing chess against Death. One modern day nod to this is the Swedish band Kent's album "Du och Jag Döden" (You and Me, Death). The cover shows a person playing cards with Death. And since Kent is one of the best Swedish bands ever, maybe Ingmar Bergman isn't that bad, by association. Ok, I realize that this might be crazy troll logic, but even troll logic can stand to reason. When it comes down to a push comes to shove...
One thing that made me happy: I found the hilarious Norwegian movie, Elling, at the library too.
The picture shows me at the Staple Center when we went to see the LA Kings meet Chicago Blackhawks a while ago.
You lucky bastard, getting to watch NHL hockey. But then again, we're just one step from the finals, so tonight should be really exciting too.
Might be that your reasoning is crazy troll logic, but out of the crazy logics out there, that's actually one of my favourites. And it's true, you know where it is when it comes down to push comes to show.. he he.
Att Bergman skulle vara värd att ses bara för att Kent refererar till honom ÄR crazy troll logic. Kent är ju inte alls ett av Sveriges bästa band... inte. Men eftersom jag gillar dig och eftersom du är i USA så.. OK då.
ps. vad har hockey att göra med det här?
Whaaat? Heh.
Saw a bunch of the Bergman movies, sorry, pieces when studying film science back in '95.
Slow, well-crafted, metaphor-rich, pompous, slow and deep. Also, slow.
... hang on, doesn't this sound like some of the books we used to read? ;)
I'm not too horrified. I don't so much have issues with Bergman, as what he's come to represent. If you see what I mean.
(Seems to me, it's only in recent years Swedish movie-making has started to break out of his stifling mold. The High Art is very tempting and prestigious and all, but some of us need Smart Pop.)
Anyway. Please blog a review!
when push comes to shove / you gotta do what you love / even if it's not a good idea
Filmen (vhs) var av alltfor kass kvalitet for att kunna ses. Ska forsoka skaffa fram den vid senare tillfalle. Far se om jag lagger ut en liten recension.
Det ar inte fraga om en debatt har Linda, faktum ar att de ar ett av Sveriges basta band, nagonsin. Men Peter Le Marc ar ocksa bra. Men inte lika.
Idag aker vi ivag upp norrut och kommer att vara borta hela nasta vecka ocksa troligtvis. Hoppas ni har en bra helg!
- Mange
Mer nationalist än så här blir du aldrig Magnus, på något konstigt jävla sätt blir man det när man bor utomlands.
Helt plötsligt blir kaviar, sill och Bergman, Cornelis, LHC, hårdmacka och fil, kanelbullar och svenskt kaffe,, Kent (Hur kan man tycka att Peter Le Marc är bra?!?)Man har helt plötsligt mer samtal och på något konstigt sätt en närmare relation till sina närmaste via epost, internet, telefon.
Dessutom så talar man gärna om för alla i utlandet hur bra Sverige är på alla möjliga sätt.
Väl hemma så uppskattar man Sverige enormt, i alla fall i ett par veckor, sen blir man blind för hur bra det är här.
Keep up the good nationalism! Vi höres // Ola
go slow films... and books too!!!
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