Our interview yesterday went very well! The interviewer was easygoing and we talked for a pretty short time and he asked us some questions, and that was basically it. Autumn had spent quite a lot of time preparing these photo albums with a lot of photos showing the two of us together and with friends and family. Did they guy even look at these!? No. When the interview was almost over and we realized that he was not going to look at our super nice photo albums, with pictures of mostly us, I pointed it out to him that Autumn had prepared them. He still did not look at the photos.
I had an appointment for the 19th of September for my biometrics (basically fingerprints), but during the interview the officer gave us a new appointment for the same day. So after the interview we went and got the biometric scan done, which saved me a trip back down to LA!
The officer told us that I will have the green card in about 3 weeks. All in all my experience with the immigration authorities here has been surprisingly smooth. The paperwork, rules and regulations have not been that much fun to deal with, but when we have met a person behind all that bureaucracy they have actually been pretty friendly and human.
Thank you for all your support during this time!
Today has been a very warm day here in Pasadena, where we are house sitting until Saturday. I walked to the library and got some work done and now I have just come back from boxing at the YMCA. It was good to see some of the old boxing gang.
Tonight we are going out for dinner to this place with some friends of Autumn that I have not met yet. It is nice that it has been cooling down a bit since the heat of this day.
This is all for now from Pasadena.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
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Sweet! I'm glad everything was so smooth, but I still think that son-of-an-immigration-officer could've att least looked at the pictures and commented on how nice to two of you look together!
Back here it's freezing cold, and has been for a couple of weeks now, so dpn't come here complaining on the heat... It's weird, it doesn't seem like there's been more than one or two decent summer days here this year. This must truly be the crappiest summer weather we've ever had! No? Maybe it's just due to the fact that i've been isolated in my apartment working all summer... oh well.
These past two or three weeks have been crazier than ever on the work front. Had two major jobs with, of course, tight deadlines. Don't think i've ever been working this much, but next week it should hopefully go back to just being your "run-of-the-mill working too
much life". No, seriously i've actually quite enjoyed it, but i wouldn't mind for it to slow down just a little bit for a while.
Well, i think i'm just about done with my morning rambling, so Godspeed, have a great weekend and wach out for the clay pigeon army!
Vilken tur att allt gick så bra! Typiskt det där med fotona... Hoppas att allt är bra och att du fortsätter att hålla kontakten med oss här hemma och kommer hem oftare än vart 10:e år eller så... Man vill ju liksom träffa er.
Vi ska nog kunna komma hem till Sverige lite oftare än vart 10:e år =)
Yes there seemed to be pretty louse weather throughout the summer in Sweden. We had quite a bit of rain during the six weeks we were there.
Take a break once in a while! And no clay pigeons here so far, except in Duck Hunt a while ago.
grattis till det lilla gröna!!!
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