Wednesday, October 24, 2007

California Wildfires

The California Wildfires have now forced the evacuation of almost 1 million residents. There are some videos here.

The fire closest to us in the Santa Ynes valley is contained, according to this article, but the sky is hazy from smoke and you can still smell it in the air this morning. For an overview of the fires go here.

It has been very dry in California for a long time and the strong Santa Ana Winds have caused the fires to spread rapidly. Hopefully there will be a change in the weather soon.

I will keep you updated.


Stina said...

Oops, I hope you don't need to become evacuated or something...

Anonymous said...

Det har rapporterats en del här om bränderna, och vi har kunnat se att ni verkar kunna klara er i Lompoc än så länge iallafall. Vi tänker på er. kram