Selling a car on Blocket (Swedish version of Craigslist) you certainly get some real skambud (shameful offers). But in the end it worked out well. Thanks dad for all the help!
I'll sum up with the words of Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, Kurt, Brigitta, Marta and Gretl:
"So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adjö!"
Hej, as we say in sweden... mister du en står dig tusen åter. And by that I mean: "das welt has viele deutsche automobilen aber nur ein Autumn" Ja, lika snurrigt som vanligt. Nice blog.. talk soon
I think your baby is in good hands. The new parents didn't seem too likely to drive it into a swamp. And they probably won't get into a Blues Brothers-style destructo spree. Probably.
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