Friday, April 13, 2007

Drive thru [sic] state

After a while in California you start wondering if it would be possible to live your entire life in a car. To help you do this there are: drive thru dry cleaners, drive thru pharmacist, drive thru banks, drive thru restaurants and even drive thru weddings (even if that is in Las Vegas).

However, there still are a few drive thrus that I am missing. Where are, for example, the drive thru therapy sessions, night clubs, hair saloons, boxing events, church services, spas, Costcos (Great store!) and libraries? But maybe they are out there, and I just haven't looked close enough? Let me know what would be your favorite drive thru.


Anonymous said...

Drive thru driving school?

Linda said...

Drive thru shower, dress and make-up? It is boring to put on make-up

Stick said...

Daniel beat me to the punch there.

Is the drive-thru thing about alleviating boredom, or just about being a lazy car-humping sod? I'm confused.