Friday, April 20, 2007

The lone cypress

And here is another photo. This time of a 250 year old cypress tree. This photo is taken where we parked our car. We then walked down closer to the tree but the area closest to the tree and that cliff is closed off to the public.

Today it is raining! It's been raining through part of the night and it still is. A rainy day here is a rare thing, and when it does, at least I feel like it is a welcome change.

Today it is about 2 weeks to our wedding. I am really looking forward to having family and friends from back home here during that time.


Anonymous said...

It was snowing, hailing and bloody storming here yesterday! That's aprilväder for you!

Two weeks to go! Yiiihaa! Good luck with your last preperations, and have fun doing it!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Bloody murder!

Not much sleep tonight, and soon it's time for the second EHT-game. Time to kick in some russian teeth. Better gett me some coffee and something to eat...

Linda said...

verkar ha varit en underbar väg att åka, väldans fina bilder. Gillar blobsen på förra bilden. Känns så overkligt att vi inte kommer vara där om två veckor. Sorgligt. Vi försöker ringa er senare..för att skicka över låtar, nu ligger ni nog och sover sött.